06.07.2024 Martin Jakubczak, Celle, is looking for contact with TIs email: martin.jakubczak@gmx.de
06.05.2024 Hannelore, Austria is looking for contact with other TI's email: selamaidali@gmail.com
04.05.2024 Kai Uecker from 26386 Wilhelmshaven is looking for contact with other TIs email: kaiuecker755@gmail.com
Daniel Reinders, Bad Reichenhall looking for contact, near Salzburg Email: vanbanoram@protonmail.com
16.03.2024 Gabriele Lange, Berlin is looking for contacts to other TIs. Email: langegabriele9@gmail.com
21.09.2023 Tomislav Bingula, Sindelfingen email: tomislavde@t-online.de is looking for contacts to TI's
14.09.2023 Bettina, Stuttgart is looking for living space, 650€ WM, email:beba1960@gmx.net
15.08.2023 Thomas Rahm is looking for contact with other affected people email: rahmthomas00@gmail.com
12.08.2023 Ms. Monika Hirt, Greater Bonn area, urgently seeks contact: email: hirtm055@gmail.com
Michael Feldinger, (35), Salzburg, Austria, feldingermichael178@gmail.com
Denis Forster, Bavaria, denis.forster1983@gmail.com Tel.: 015159131920
Nabil, Muhammad, Berlin, kaimueller-bln@hotmail.com>
Andrea Wichmann, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, mail: menschen.rechte@freenet.de
Please contact us at: info@opfer-elektromagnetische-strahlung.com if you are looking for contact with other TIs, to exchange ideas or to form small regional groups or to skype or if you are available as a contact person for TIs.