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We are an interest group with over 300 people and report on attacks on civilians with ENERGY WEAPON SYSTEMS (ray weapons) as well as the refusal of the public prosecutor to initiate investigations and the suppression of any investigative media reporting that could expose organized crime. Those affected are subjected to cruel persecution and torture. There is no place of refuge for those affected, nor any state agency they can turn to for help. This is literally the "crime of the century", with remote neural surveillance.


We are looking for highly qualified IT forensic experts who are also admitted to court. All electrical/electronic devices of over 300 victims were hacked in almost the same way. In order to be heard in court against this organized crime, we need evidence. With a certified IT forensic expert as an expert, the lawsuit can no longer be dismissed by the court. Contact: info@opfer-elektromagnetische-strahlung.com

We are also looking for qualified doctors who are willing and able to diagnose Havana Syndrome in those affected - such as in the USA, Prof. Dr. A. Relmann for Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University and Dr. Julie A. Pavlin, doctor who headed the global health department of the National Academies of Sciences in Washington and Dr. Michael Hoffer, MD, professor of otolaryngology and neurological surgery and expert at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami, who examined the affected US diplomats in detail on behalf of the US government and made the following diagnosis: "POST TRAUMATIC BRAIN SYNDROME (ICD-F07.81) VESTIBULAR DISORDER DUE TO DIRECTED ENERGY EXPOSURE AKA HAVANA SYNDROME (ICD-H81.90) COGNITIVE CHANGES (ICD-R41.89)"

Contact: info@opfer-elektromagnetische-strahlung.com

We are also looking for lawyers - like the famous lawyer Mark Zaid in the USA, who is representing US diplomats affected by Havana Syndrome in a class action lawsuit against the US government. His website is: https://markzaid.com/

The article "Congress to investigate CIA work on Havana Syndrome" first appeared in the New York Times. The lawyer we are looking for should have knowledge of crimes against humanity (§ 7 VStGB). Contact: info@opfer-elektromagnetische-strahlung.com

Radiation weapons: The new threat? Public and personal safety is at risk from radiation weapons/energy weapons, which fire a high-energy electromagnetic pulse instead of conventional ammunition. These attacks are relatively little known. The public must be informed about the misuse of military technology.

Any technology can be misused. The dangers of misusing weapons and weapons of war that pose major risks are weapons of manipulation, which carry the risk of being used in violation of human rights, concerns about invasion of privacy, possible manipulation of autonomy and the lack of strict laws regulating the use of such weapons.

It should at least be taken into account that the consequences of new weapons technologies and military-relevant research and technology developments can be abused in addition to their military benefits. The high level of lack of transparency and secrecy in the military-technological field means that much of what happens in research and application remains in the dark. Added to this is the disastrous intertwining of information technology and the military.

Former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, wrote in his 2020 World Report on Torture: Cybertorture is the crime against humanity in which millions of targeted victims around the world are attacked with electromagnetic weapons controlled by supercomputers and satellites. Targeted individuals are systematically monitored, stalked, tortured and placed in a situation of "hopelessness" around the clock.

Psychological torture aims directly at destroying a person’s personality,

through targeted physical and psychological attrition, by straining his nervous system to such an extent that it eventually collapses, explained a forensic pathologist, Prof. Nils Melzer.



We have long trusted in the rule of law and have turned to the police, the public prosecutor, the attorney general, the Ministry of Justice and the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag, but they have failed completely. This has shaken our faith in the rule of law to the core. The population must be informed about neuroweapons and microwave technology, which is invisible and occurs at the speed of light. With our flyer mailing campaign, we distributed flyers to 60,000 households and pointed out abuses and regulatory loopholes.

The government and the judiciary are still not intervening. The necessary investigations into human rights violations are being carried out less and less frequently. Politicians know this and one gets the impression that they do not even want this clarification. This is what the Association of German Criminal Police Officers says.

Amazon whistleblower describes how he saw the software that allows the operators of this WBAN remote neural network to see the world THROUGH the eyes of the target human, and how the AI manipulates all brain waves and bodily functions.


As a result of the worldwide internet trade, which is difficult to control, weapons and computer crime knows no borders. Criminal proceedings for weapons and computer crime should primarily be handled by specially trained police and public prosecutors to ensure that such charges are not rejected due to lack of technical knowledge, lack of staff and inadequate IT support. The fact is that neither the police nor the public prosecutor have any knowledge of this type of crime. This means that the effective fight against weapons and computer crime with AI, nanotechnology and brain-computer interface (BCI) is not differentiated.

For example, in April 2024, the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag paradoxically equated crimes involving energy weapons with the incorrect §§ 307ff. of the Criminal Code, "causing an explosion using nuclear energy". We also received the news that neither the Petitions Committee nor the Federal Government have any knowledge of the use of electromagnetic radiation weapons against private individuals. An adjustment of the criminal law is therefore not necessary. All complaints and symptoms have been denied for years. In general, there is a lack of willingness to even begin to deal with weapons and computer crime.

With the help of criminal police departments and lawyers who are really familiar with the subject matter, information deficits can be identified and closed. The federal government should urgently seek advice from the Association of German Criminal Police Officers (BDK) and its qualified criminal investigators on energy weapons and computer crime.

Spiegel reports:



Patent thought transfer: https://patents.google.com/patent/DE10253433A1/de

Since the 19th century, modern "biomedicine" has considered human experimentation to be indispensable. Humans as "guinea pigs" - according to research, a conditio sine qua non. Human experiments have always been carried out secretly, and were often only discovered decades later - if at all. Law and ethics are ignored. And so it is today! Compliance with the Nuremberg Code of 1947, a central ethical guideline for conducting medical, psychological and other experiments on humans, is disregarded.



Here are just a few examples of human experiments:

  • https://www.sueddeutsche.de/leben/menschenversuche-die-perversion-des-heilens-1.926062 
  • https://www.deutsches-spionagemuseum.de/2021/04/13/geheimdienstliche-bewusstseinskontrolle-im-april-1953-begann-das-projekt-mkultra https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mk-ultra-class-action-lawsuit-u-s-immunity-in-canada-1.6985 
  • https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/neurowissenschaft-us-militaer-unterstuetzt-forschung-fuer-gedankenlesen-a-572498.html

To date, politicians and lawyers have paid far too little attention to the technology of reading and influencing minds. Scientists are very concerned about devices that can read minds. Recent advances by the US government in mind control technologies raise complex ethical questions about privacy, consent and the potential for abuse. What is the balance between the promises and dangers of these cutting-edge technologies? The developments are being driven by US government agencies such as DARPA, IARPA and the Department of Energy, and they use the invisible powers of electromagnetic energy, microwaves and infrared waves.



https://futurism.com/neoscope/scientists-mind-reading-rights https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves.

Life as a target is a terrible nightmare. You feel sick and miserable from deliberate sleep deprivation, nerve damage, ulcers, burns, electric shocks and electric needle pricks that go right to the bone. How do you fight your way out of it?

The new book by Prof. Dr. Armin Krishnan "Fifth Generation Warfare - Dominating the Human Domain" describes the use of psychological warfare.

Robert Duncan, professor of computer science and economics (deceased 2024) said: "Radio frequency weapons tests are currently being used to torture and kill people around the world." He adds: "Mind control has been perfected over the last 60 years. According to Duncan, it is already possible today to 'hack' our minds like a computer.

We have recognized that the fusion of man and machine has already become a reality. The line between science fiction and reality is becoming increasingly blurred. The arsenal of neural attacks and remote surveillance goes so far as to deliver painful electric shocks to an opponent from a distance - anonymously, without leaving a trace and without evidence. https://www.infosec.ch/blog/gehirn-computer-schnittstellen-auf-dem-weg-vom-medizinlabor-in-die-anwendungspraxis-teil-1/



Artificial neural networks are algorithms that are modeled on the way the human brain works. https://datasolut.com/neuronale-netzwerke-einfuehrung/

The targets experience the worst unimaginable torture day and night due to radiation exposure and can hardly bear the pain any more. The experiments aim to inflict as much violence and cruelty on the victims as possible so that they sound crazy when they write down the details of the human tragedy in the race against radiation death. The victims are driven to premature death by radiation using cell-destroying radiation. Ultimately, they lose their lives.

Technologies have long existed that have precise access to the bodies of unsuspecting citizens, using resonance frequencies that have the ability to cause great pain and serious illness in the body.

Weapon systems and computer software can weaken or kill a target over time without leaving evidence." The statement says: "This weapon is designed to bathe a target's living quarters in microwaves." This is exactly what happens to those affected. Many TIs can no longer sleep in their own homes because of the painful radiation, instead they try to sleep at friends' houses, in cars, at airports or elsewhere. Ultimately, there is no escape because they are tracked everywhere.


Radiation weapons/energy weapons (Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), such as the silent microwave weapon, fire an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) at the speed of light that can injure and kill. DESTRUCTION THROUGH RADIATION. Combined with future technologies such as nano-robots or neuroweapons, these are dangerous weapons whose existence the general public knows almost nothing about. They are manufactured in an alliance of research, industry and military intelligence by arms companies such as Rheinmetall AG, Diehl Group, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, to name just a few.


We demand a strict ban on radiation weapons, whether computer- or satellite-controlled or in the form of a small, portable microwave-based energy weapon. These small energy weapons, which are easy to conceal and fire dangerous radiation using high-energy microwave pulses at the speed of light, are used by criminals to target civilians in their homes, hotels and even cars with the aim of injuring, torturing and ultimately killing them. This may seem like something out of a James Bond film, but not at all! It is the harsh reality.

The software "Palantir" can not only comprehensively monitor citizens, but also kill them! Palantir was financed as a start-up company in 2004 by the American secret service CIA and is now one of its customers. Palantir is now the largest digital US surveillance company in the world and a major defense contractor in Denver, Colorado with 3,000 employees, sales in 2022: 1.91 billion USD. Big data for German investigators: Police use controversial US software from Palantir.






The target persons are monitored remotely and their thoughts are spied on using neuroimaging technology (Remote Neural Monitoring, RNM). They are attacked with energy weapons, combined with modern technologies such as neuroscience, AI, brain-computer interface technology, nano, quantum, 5G technology, human software, cybersex apps and others, and are brutally injured multiple times with millimeter precision and remote control: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, brain, blood vessels, bones and genitals. The torture from a distance ultimately leads to death after a long history of suffering.

Existing human rights are not sufficient to protect against attacks with directed microwave energy. Legislative authority for gun laws is assigned to the federal government. The enforcement of gun laws, however, is the responsibility of the states. If there is an "overwhelming risk" that weapons systems will be misused, the federal government must ensure that there are concrete laws and effective solutions and, due to continuously changing weapons technology, must continually adapt legislation to new challenges.

In order to survive, those affected urgently need protection systems and devices inside and outside their homes against electromagnetic pulse weapons and radio waves. Article 13 of the Basic Law guarantees the inviolability of the home. The fact is that the target persons are mercilessly irradiated and tortured in their own homes with directed microwave energy that penetrates the walls.

We refer to the patent: "Radiation weapon", which is publicly available to everyone. Read the summary. Depending on the setting, the weapon can cause anything from discomfort to death of the victim.


Another patent: "Directed Energy Weapon," that is, devices that direct a beam of high energy content at a target to incapacitate or destroy it, where the high energy beam is a laser beam that causes structural damage.


Microwave emitter, https://patents.google.com/patent/EP0480273A1/de

An assessment of the Havana Syndrome of U.S. diplomats and their families in foreign embassies.

Contributors: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Division of Health and Medicine; Division of Engineering and Physics; Standing Committee to Advise the Department of State on Unexplained Health Effects on U.S. Government Employees and Their Families in Foreign Embassies; Chaired by Dr. David A. Relman, professor of medicine, microbiology, and immunology at Stanford University, and Dr. Julie A. Pavlin, physician, who headed the Global Health Division of the National Academies of Sciences in Washington.

The Stanford professor who led the study told NPR (National Public Radio) "The mechanism we found most plausible was some form of microwave radiation that occurs in a pulsed or intermittent form." Relman noted, however, that the report was not definitive. "We believe that this microwave phenomenon may be responsible for at least some of the clinical features, although we cannot provide direct evidence of this," he added. https://doi.org/10.17226/25889

The USA has paid the affected US diplomats 30 million US dollars in compensation. Both US President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who spoke to the US diplomats personally, said that they definitely consider the reports to be credible. US diplomats were also attacked with electromagnetic radiation in Berlin, Vienna and Paris. The symptoms are the same as those described by targets in Germany.




We call on the government, similar to the US government, to commission a study, for example from the Fraunhofer Institute for Health Research, on "Attacks (Havana Syndrome) with directed microwave energy" and to offer a number of victims the opportunity to undergo medical examinations. In addition, a hearing of those affected before a federal authority such as Education and Research and/or the Federal Ministry of Justice would be urgently necessary.

New technologies that no one can control are currently being introduced carelessly and the effects of abuse are simply ignored. No one is concerned about the dire consequences and people's rights either. The targeted attack campaigns against unsuspecting citizens are in fact not the subject of public discussion. The author Tilo von Amsberg, who is himself affected, writes in his bestseller: "Übernacht überwachung" Quote: As is well known, society cannot imagine that governments and the world press would conceal such a powerful technological development from them. End of quote.

Imagine if there was a technology that allowed a person to be monitored, tracked, tortured and harassed 24/7, but nobody believed them - even though we as victims know from our own experience that it exists and is used against civilians. This is happening to people all over the world.

In Germany, the public prosecutor's office and the courts are responsible for ensuring that human rights are respected. In many cases, however, loopholes in the law are only discovered by the courts. Since complaints and reports are rigorously rejected due to a lack of evidence, the courts do not even have the opportunity to uncover a loophole in criminal liability. This security gap is worrying.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Caspar says in his brilliant new book: "We Data Slaves - Ways out of Digital Exploitation" Quote: "It is the technology that is used to put people in digital shackles".

The targets (TI) seem to be pretty good evidence of a deliberate attack with HPM weapons. Those affected report radiation sickness such as: burns, stimulation of the brain, sleep deprivation, a completely disturbed day-night rhythm, targeted physical and psychological attrition, AI attacks, electrical charge through the nervous system, electrifying pain sensations, burning feet syndrome, electrical vibration in the body, head, extreme itching, nausea, involuntary muscle twitches and cramps, damage to the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. the brain and spinal cord, sexual abuse and other injuries. This scenario represents an unprecedented violation of human rights.

After more than 300 people on our website have experienced this horrific radiation torture with directed microwave energy first hand, we are of the opinion that this remote control technology is being used in a targeted and intentional manner.

The Fraunhofer Institute and other experts report that it is possible to build devices that direct electronic energy at a target person in order to injure or kill them without any great technical knowledge. Instructions for doing this can even be found on the Internet.

Those affected worldwide cannot be permanently discredited and defamed - that will not work forever. It is only a matter of time before these remote-controlled global human experiments are uncovered and revealed and the secret is finally revealed. Who are the perpetrators? The military, the secret services, research institutes, industry, pharmaceutical companies and also neighbors who are now using this inhumane technology.

It is our job to bring these heinous crimes to light and into the public eye. We will vigorously pursue our cause and do everything possible to uncover this global crime that has been going on for decades. As mentioned above, human experiments that are carried out in secret often only come to light by chance after decades. This is no different here!

Prof. Wilfried Kühling says in his new excellent book published in April 2023: "Mobile communications assessment dilemma - How we can finally overcome the inability of state risk assessment".

Quote: "Above all, we must consider the constantly advancing state of forced radiation through the wireless infrastructure, which even extends into rooms that require protection (indoors) and about which the overwhelming majority of participants received neither information nor were asked for their consent.

Ultimately, the United Nations' "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", the "Helsinki Agreement" and other international treaties recognize that the declared and informed consent of those affected is an essential, fundamental human right - before any interventions are made that impair human health. The inviolability of the home should also be mentioned here, since radio waves are also one of the possible grounds for intervention.

We appeal to the state and the judiciary to take weapons and computer crime seriously and to immediately study the above facts carefully and urgently set up a hearing for the victims and to prohibit attacks on the German population with electromagnetic pulse weapons in the criminal code and to ensure that such crimes are prosecuted and convicted. This is a global hot topic also known as HAVANA SYNDROME.


For reasons of independence, we do not sell any products or books. We also do not accept commissions. As affected people, we offer other affected people and the public a wide range of information on our website.

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